You can anticipate achieving a successful product prototype by utilizing the appropriate 3D printing technology. For your 3D printing requirements, you can rely on us to provide you with an exceptional service that is consistently fast and dependable.
We have a streamlined product prototyping process that guarantees optimal results. We create a detailed model prototype that accurately represents your design and ensure that the product performs to the highest standard.
Need a functional, durable 3D printed part that you can actually use?
Well, we don’t just print models, but human thoughts, dreams, and everything they stand for. We get excited when opening CAD data for all of its lines, functionality, and potential and we live for the manufacturing challenges that are often hidden inside.
We bring together the best 3D printing technologies available today and couple it with extraordinary service and craftsmanship to offer you the ideal manufacturing solutions for your specific application.
With our internal AstroPrint farm of SeeMeCNC Rostock MAX V2s, i3 Prussas and MakerBots – USD can ramp up production to dozens of plates a day to meet any part deadline.
We keep a full stock of just about every material you could ever dream of, and some you’ve never even heard of. From metals to plastics and everything in-between, we’ve got all the options.
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