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Software Development
Feature Feature

Feature Detection is Real, and it just Found Flesh – Eating Butterflies

What’s All the Fuss About Features? Features are interesting aspects or attributes of a thing. When we read a feature story, it’s what the news room feels will be the most interesting, compelling story that draws in viewers. Similarly, when we look at a picture, or a Youtube thumbnail, various aspects of that photo or video tend to draw us

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Facebook Might be Spying on Us, but it Makes for Pretty Graphs

Graphs, Graph theory, Euler, and Dijkstra As tasks become more defined, the structures of data used to define them increase in complexity. Even the smallest of projects can be broken down into groups of smaller tasks, that represent even smaller sub-tasks. Graphs are a data structure that helps us deal with large amounts of complex interactions, in a static, logical

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Exploring React Native – Part 3

Previously, in “Exploring React Native (Continued Part 2)”, we continued to work on our simple app. The code for the app was long and was all located in one file after the article, “Exploring React Native (Continued Part 1)”. Being that React Native uses native components as building blocks, we decided to break down each part of the app into

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Exploring React Native – Part 2

Previously, in “Exploring React Native (Continued Part 1), we continued to work on our simple app. The app initially consisted of an Image component, Text components, state with data, a couple of TouchableOpacity buttons and styling. The app was to keep track of the number of raccoons the user saw but we wanted to add to it. So, we add

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Exploring React Native – Part 1.1

In the last article, titled “Exploring React Native”, we used a few components to create a simple app. The app consisted of an Image component, a couple Text components, data that changed with user interaction, and a couple of buttons created with the Button component and TouchableOpacity component.  We styled each component and at the end, had a counter app.

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Dawn Dawn

Calculating the Size of Objects in Photos with Computer Vision

Table of Contents Overview Setup Windows Linux OSX OpenCV Basics Getting Started Takeaways Overview You might have wondered how it is that your favorite social networking application can recognize you and your friends’ faces when you tag them in a photo. Maybe like Harry Potter, a mysterious letter arrived at your doorstep on your birthday; only this letter wasn’t an

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Exploring Baseball Data to Predict Run Totals

Table of Contents Overview Support Vector Machines (SVM) The Data Setup and Installation Exploring and Modeling the Data Takeaways Overview The object of this tutorial is to give you an idea of what a process might look like when a data scientist explores data with the intention of using machine learning to make predictions. Crafting a strategy to classify or

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Umbraco Uploads

Umbraco 8 – More Than Just Content

In the last installment, we learned about the basics of Umbraco and what is new in Umbraco 8. Now we are going to delve into coding basic functionality and making our code as modular as possible. Before we delve into the code, let’s talk a little about the different types of controllers available to us and which one is appropriate

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Umbraco Uploads

Umbraco 8 – Getting Started

Umbraco has changed a lot since I started working with it in version 4 back in 2013. In this series we are going to delve deep into Umbraco from the basics of creating your first site all the way to writing plugins and customizing the backend of this wonderful ASP.Net MVC based CMS Intended Audience What you need: Net MVC

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