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Software Development
A Comprehensive Guide to A Successful Mobile Application Design

A Comprehensive Guide to A Successful Mobile Application Design

In this technological world, people are engaging with their mobile phones at an ever-increasing rate. The average time a mobile user spends daily on his phone is around 4 hours and 30 minutes. But wait, what are they using it for? You guessed it right, for mobile apps. Therefore, users demand more from their mobile app experience, such as enjoyable

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UX Testing Methods

10 Most Effective UX Testing Methods for Optimal Results

User experience (UX) plays a crucial role in determining the success of a website or application. UX testing is the process of evaluating a product or service by observing real users interacting with it. UX testing aims to identify usability issues, uncover user needs and preferences, and ultimately improve the overall experience. This comprehensive guide will discuss the ten most

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Custom Enterprise Software Development

Java vs. JavaScript: Which Is Best for Custom Enterprise Software Development?

Both Java and JavaScript are the popular programming languages of the decade. They have many uses, from simple web apps to complex applications. However, they may seem similar but possess many differences that clearly declare them unique. Both languages have their own advantages, but it will be a challenge to determine which is best for a particular project. In this

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Best Software Developers

The Role of Mentoring in Creating the Best Software Developers

Are you looking to become a top-notch software developer or help your team members achieve the same goal? Then mentoring may be the missing piece of the puzzle. Mentoring plays a vital role in developing the skills and abilities of individuals and shaping them into the best software developers. Mentors can; Guide inexperienced software developers on programming languages, design patterns,

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Graph Data Structure Demystified

We use Google search, google maps, and social networks regularly nowadays. One of the things they all have in common is the fact they use a remarkable data structure – graphs under the hood to organize and manipulate data. You may have seen this data structure in college but don’t remember much about it. Or maybe it is a scary

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Umbraco Uploads

Umbraco 8: Authentication & Authorization

User Handling, & Security In the last installment, we learned about the different kinds of controllers that Umbraco provides us. Now we will delve into User and Member management, and how to code authentication & authorization into your Umbraco website. Security Umbraco has two distinct user types. User security for the back office and member security for the front end.

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Using the Camera in React Native

In the last few articles, we have been working with React Native and have learned how to use some of React Native’s built in component. Most recently, we learned how to navigate between different screens using React Navigation. One thing we haven’t covered yet, is getting access to the camera and camera roll in a React Native app. Now a

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Feature Feature

Feature Detection is Real, and it just Found Flesh – Eating Butterflies

What’s All the Fuss About Features? Features are interesting aspects or attributes of a thing. When we read a feature story, it’s what the news room feels will be the most interesting, compelling story that draws in viewers. Similarly, when we look at a picture, or a Youtube thumbnail, various aspects of that photo or video tend to draw us

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Facebook Might be Spying on Us, but it Makes for Pretty Graphs

Graphs, Graph theory, Euler, and Dijkstra As tasks become more defined, the structures of data used to define them increase in complexity. Even the smallest of projects can be broken down into groups of smaller tasks, that represent even smaller sub-tasks. Graphs are a data structure that helps us deal with large amounts of complex interactions, in a static, logical

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